President of the Ateliers Varan and former Head of Cinema at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Between 1978 and 1982, Marie Bonnel programmed the cinema at the Centre Culturel Franco Voltaique in Ouagadougou, Upper Volta. She then managed the Théâtre des 400 coups in Paris for the ADEAC for two years, where she worked on promoting African artists and musicians. From 1984 to 1996, at the AFAA, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs' arts agency, she supported the movement of French directors and theatre companies abroad.
From 1996 to 2002, she was head of the Bureau du Documentaire aux Affaires Étrangères, which helps produce and buy documentary films for the French cultural network abroad. From 2002 to 2006, she was in charge of cinema at the French Embassy in the United States, developing the circulation of French films throughout the country with cultural partners. From 2006 to 2009, she was Audiovisual Attaché in the United Kingdom and Deputy Director of the French Institute in London. From 2009 to 2013, she was Head of Cinema at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Paris. Since 2016, she has been President of the Ateliers Varan and a member of Usages du Monde21.
Formez vous au cinéma documentaire
Vous portez un projet de documentaire, vous souhaitez faire une première expérience de réalisation, faire évoluer votre prataique. Ecriture, réalisation, montage, son, les ateliers Varan vous accompagnent à toutes les étapes de vos projets.