Over the highway

Over the highway

  • Directed by Olivier Blaecke
  • 2014
  • Hands-on documentary filmmaking
  • Arts, Urban life, Work
  • Shooting place : Paris
  • Duration : 27 min
  • Audio : French
  • Subtitles : English


Above the Paris ring road, (the Boulevard Périphérique), stands the Electric Circus, somehow timeless and not part of the town at all. During the rest period in August, Dave, JC and Tétaar are in charge of looking after things and of maintenance. During pauses in the hosing down and painting activities, they take time to talk about who they are and where they come from. They have taken refuge in the Electric Circus before being able to move onto the next stages of their lives.

  • Direction : Olivier Blaecke
  • Image : Olivier Balecke
  • Sound : tous les participants
  • Edition : Aurélie Ricard

About : Hands-on documentary filmmaking

The workshop is conducted in French, so a certain level of proficiency in the language is required to fully benefit from the training.

If you do not speak French, keep an eye on workshops organized abroad, by following our news

This intensive training, combined with the Hands-on Documentary editing course, allows participants to engage with the fundamentals of documentary filmmaking. After a brief period of technical initiation, analysis of reference works, scouting, and writing, each participant will move on to filming a short film on a common theme. The editing is carried out by an editing trainee under the supervision of professional editors. The goal is to understand the essential relationship between director and editor.

Hands-on documentary filmmaking

The documentary in your own home

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