Varan's trainer

Ina Seghezzi

Ina Seghezzi



French director

Ina Seghezzi was born in Liechtenstein. After studying theatre, film and german literature in Vienna and Paris, she worked as a director and assistant director in theatre and opera with Jorge Lavelli, Alain Françon, Lluis Pasqual and Roger Vontobel, among others. In 2004, she took a course in documentary filmmaking at the ateliers Varan and directed the short film Chair de ta chair. She went on to direct several documentary films. She is a trainer and a member of the Ateliers Varan.


Varan's films

Your flesh and blood

Direction, Image

Voir la fiche du film


Après nature

Documentary (in development)


Documentary, France, 2022, 10’

Etats généraux du documentaire (Lussas, 2022)

Histoires de la plaine

Documentary, France, 2016, 70’

Released in theatres in France ; Filmer à tout prix documentary film festival (Brussels, 2015)


Documentary, France, 2015, 23’

Image de ville (Aix-en-Provence, 2015) ; Écrans du Réel (Le Mans, 2016)

Rivadavia avenue

Documentary, France, 2012, 67’

Cinéma du Réel (Paris, 2013)

Stephane Hessel, a story of engagement

Documentary, France, 2008, 52’

Human’s rights international film festival (Paris, 2009); Audiovisual programs international festival (Biarritz, 2009); This Human world (Vienna, 2009)

Minimal Land

Documentary (France, 2007)

Contact & links

Formez vous au cinéma documentaire

Vous portez un projet de documentaire, vous souhaitez faire une première expérience de réalisation, faire évoluer votre prataique. Ecriture, réalisation, montage, son, les ateliers Varan vous accompagnent à toutes les étapes de vos projets.

Les formations

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6, impasse de Mont Louis
75011 Paris

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Google Map : Ateliers Varan, 6 Impasse de Mont-Louis, Paris